The Shack Barbecue Sauce

Recipe Courtesy of The Shack, Little Rock, Arkansas

Wet Stuff:
Mix in a large bowl:
3 - 24 ounce bottle of ketchup (Use the plastic ones, we will refill after making sauce.)
3 - 24 ounce bottles of water, swoosh around and dump contents into bowl of "Wet Stuff" (For original recipe use Grapette from Wal Mart).
1 pint vinegar
Put "wet stuff' in a LARGE pan, put heat on "high."
By the time it is approaching a boil, you will have "dry stuff' prepared.

Dry Stuff:
Since you dumped wet stuff out of bowl, why not use for 'dry'?
Into bowl, dump:
1 - 4 ounce can of chili powder
1 - 4 ounce can of black pepper
1 - 4 ounce can of garlic salt (SALT, NOT garlic powder!!!)
1/2 cup - sugar
1 - small Tabasco (anywhere from 1 to 4 ounces..start with about 1 can 'play' to taste after whole mess is completed.
1 - small mustard (size of an apple, just regular ole smear on a hotdog yeller mustard)

Stir dry contents together

Dump all this stuff into pan on stove now approaching a simmer if you have been quick, and if you rinsed out the catsup with HOT water;-)

Stir enough to make it evenly liquid

Bring to a boil and immediately lower heat to a simmer.

30 minutes, (stir fairly often to avoid sticking).. during which the vinegar will bring sweat to your forehead, and tears to your eyes...think ventilation here.

Remove from heat, pour back into bottles you saved, unfortunately, you will have an excess of sauce. Improvise, all life has dry rot.

You now have a LOT of sauce. I always do, and find it MOST welcome as a gift.

Additional Notes
Do it this way the first time, later, you may substitute Grapette, for the water (seriously) SHACK DID for several decades ... for total authenticity you can obtain Grapette from Wal Mart

I add about a cup of sugar to my sauce, but this is heresy, and practice has strong adherents and detractors.

Likewise minced onions, NOT authentic, but can be pleasant.

Do NOT futz with the amount of black pepper. I KNOW it sounds like a lot. Trust me on this.

Also remember garlic SALT, not garlic powder!

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