
Groans are bad puns I've collected. Clean are suitable for telling your mother or aunt.


Ghandi Baseball Bank Loan Coughing
Vampires Dolphins Emergency Legionnaires
Bear Moles Ringer Ringer 2
I.C.U Vultures Running Monks and Flowers
A Sea Story Robins Brooms Woodworking
Trout William Tell Patience Anthropology
Squaws Clockworks Commode Malady
Viking Puns Shipwreck Wall to Wall
Dental Plan Grocery Clerk Amazing Grace Killer
Potatoes Bear 2 Bazaar Mad Scientist
Jump Start Multiplication Twins Chess
Weevils Eskimos Buddhists Pa
Kitchen Renovation Eye Test Sporting Dog Veterinarian
Reservations Fisherman's Friend Math Birds
Titanic Indy Noah Psychic
Nut Porpoises Ice Cream Choir
Flies OJ Atoms Vicks
Termite Balance Culture Pope I
Pope II Cows Paint Quasimodo
Music Labor Sheriff Jaguar
Prawns Alligator Art Theft Antennas
Tom Jones Cows Redux Invisible Man Amputee
Rooster Dickens Daiquiri Wish
Foal Resume Guru Clearly
Artifacts Level Road Red Head Descartes
Pride Dwarf Newt Dysentery
Nazi Weasel Chaucer Steaks
Artist Bounty Tractors Keyboard
Punchline Elvis Hugh Adders
One Liners


Engineers Speech Toast Bad Habits
Life Explained Space Shot Handshake Ever the Gentleman
First Pitch Golf Etiquette The Screw Your Sign
Success Old Men Conversion Genie
Elevator Dog's Life God and the Scientist I'll Have the Same
Fosters The Wall The Candle New Wife
Bad Food Old Goats D-Day Handy Blonde
Excuse Radio My Wife Did Give Me a Five
Tall Grass Genealogy Stranded Irishman Perfect Funeral
Bronze Rat Funeral Procession Inventions Sharing
Therapy Bad Hole Last Supper

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